Energy Healing

Rebecca is an empath, meaning that she can feel what’s happening in your body. She uses that knowledge to tune into your frequency. Guided by intuition & spirit, she applies energy healing modalities such as:


Gentle energy healing with light touch. Client lays on the table and is instructed to do nothing but relax and have an open mind. *Humans are electromagnetic beings. All illness results from the lowering of energetic frequencies in the body. By raising the frequencies and aligning the various bodies, all the fields come into coherence. Healing and balance is restored. As a result, you will feel centered, energized, balanced and life will flow much easier for you.

Cranial Sacral Therapy

Energy healing that works on your nervous system, helping to release imprints that are negatively affecting you. Deeply relaxing, it allows you to release trauma and drama alike.

Crystal Therapy

Energy therapy that incorporates the use of crystals. Crystals carry their own energy frequencies that further help to open, align and restore energetic wellness.

Oracle & Angel Cards

Through oracle cards, your energy attracts the messages it most needs in the moment. This tool provides deep clarity, reassurance and revelation, as you receive signs and messages from your spirit & guides.

Sessions may include a combination of all above, guided inner journey work & transformational coaching.

  • 45 minutes $125

  • 60 minutes $165

  • 90 minutes $245

    Add  to any other service for $50 per 20 minutes


Skin Care Services